Expert Recruitment and Payroll Solutions
We are experts in specialized services, recruitment, and payroll administration for your staff. Our outstanding competencies enable us to analyze market needs and select the best candidate according to the profile and organizational culture your company requires. We are constantly searching for the best team to contribute to a positive work environment, thus achieving optimal results.
Our Journey
We emerged in response to the growing demand for bringing our services and extensive experience to the North American market. Initially, we were established as a Mexican company specializing in human capital. We have certifications and evaluations, creating solid and effective strategies, and offering services tailored to the needs of our clients and their employees.
To attract the best human talent, seeking profiles aligned with your needs and organizational culture, being an essential foundation of our recruitment processes. We seek to drive team and individual development, inspiring and motivating personnel to achieve goals and objectives in our company.
We handle the calculation and payment of your company's payroll with precision, speed, and security through our experts in human capital, national and international taxes, and laws. We have developed Rechnom, an automated platform for payroll processing that calculates salary payments, taxes, withholdings, stamping, incident control, benefits administration, and more.
Our priority is to have clarity in our processes and services to achieve conformity and aspiration within our team in every element of our human capital
Through perseverance and constancy we achieve our objectives, overcoming challenges and not letting adversities defeat us.
We are authentic and honest in our work relationships, always seeking to lay out situations as they are, creating trust between employers and talent.
We seek to encourage human talent to take initiative and give their best, allowing the company to develop leaders and personnel who make decisions that benefit the corporation.
Innovative Solutions
Our Services
Specialized Talent Acquisition
We guarantee attracting the best talent in the job market to fill supervisor, manager and highly specialized positions, focusing on the type of industry your company requires.
Recruitment Process Outsourcing
Our specialized solution allows your organization to outsource your recruitment process or just a part of it, in order to optimize and streamline the strategy related to acquiring permanent talent.
Payroll Outsourcing
We make it possible to outsource the management of payroll processing for your permanent and/or temporary workforce.
A business model based on subcontracting processes or transferring operations to countries near the company's headquarters.